
Record store day, SF film festival, zippy lasagna

A shorter "issue" this week than last -- my brain is not at its acme today. In fact, I'd even forgotten till a bit ago that a certain book came out three years ago today! Perhaps I'm not getting sufficient sleep.

A few quick notes before the links:
Happy weekend, all! Hope it's restful and engages your senses and sense of wonder.

:: tunes ::
  • Those who've taken a close look at my CD collection know it includes a small section of Broadway soundtracks, echoed in a few volumes of my piano-book library. An enduring favorite is Cole Porter, especially his witty show Anything Goes (which I think I've actually sung from on karaoke outings, accidentals or not). To accompany a recent review of the show's Broadway revival, the New York Times has a fun slideshow/guide to some of the references in the song "You're the Top."
:: visual art & film ::
  • The San Francisco International Festival starts next week! More than 100 films, showing April 21 to May 5. Works are mostly new, but a handful of older works, such as Fellini's 1960 La Dolce Vita, are included. $13/ticket ($12 for students, $11 for members).
  • This is a little more art-history oriented, but the New York Times has an interesting look at the focus on contemporary non-Western art, vs. older forms.
  • For some reason, that NYT article reminded me of the Anglo-Nigerian artist Yinka Shonibare, MBE, whose work I was fortunate enough to see on a 2009 trip to DC. It's hard to get an adequate sense online, but his work -- especially the sculptures -- is some of the most exciting and beautiful I've seen. More on him in the Times and on his 2009 New York show.
:: reading/food for thought ::
  • Dance, Laugh, Drink. Save the Date: It’s a Ghanaian Funeral - a fascinating look at the role of these celebratory gatherings in New York's growing Ghanaian community.
  • Poetry for Everyday Life: David Brooks on the metaphors of everyday speech: food for ideas, health for relationships, money for time, liquidity for money.
  • Been hearing of poet Billy Collins more frequent, and then a Random House item on Twitter introduced me to his lovely poem "Marginalia." Favorite line: "anonymous men catching a ride into the future / on a vessel more lasting than themselves. "
:: food ::
  • On a whim last night, I made lasagna with the last of this spicy, cinnamon-y spaghetti sauce recipe I tried. Delicious. (Although the sauce is pretty good on its own, too.)
  • In drink news, today's Tasting Table cocktail email had a recipe using vermouth and a Washington gin I tried when I was in Seattle so, um, I'll have a bottle of Aviation pretty soon, thanks to BevMo. Samples may be available on request, should you venture up Columbia Casa way ... and we not give notice due to a housemate shortage. :S